So I'm totally playing hookie today. But I really don't feel like going into to work. So I get to start my weekend early, kinda. I really don't have much planned for today, however last weekend was pretty fun.
Cass and Liz had come into town Friday night, so I told them I would meet up with them after work. They decided to go to Fishbones which is an okay bar. I showed up after work and Cass met me at the door then bought me a drink. We tried to have a conversation but the music was way too loud and it just wasn't possible. I got to meet Liz's friend Ron, who was cool, but his friend Katie not so much. I was actually had made plans to hang out with Marcus and Sara at Wildhorse Saloon but kind of backed out last minute since Cass was coming into town. So naturally I was texting both of them just seeing what they were going to be up to later. Well the crazy girl Katie tells me I need to stop texting and start dancing, which I wasn't nearly drunk enough nor interested in dancing with her. For the most part I just ignored her and she went away. The only highlight from Fishbones was an old 70 year old guy on the dance floor getting his groove on. After this Ron felt the need to dance and wanted to go elsewhere, he decided on Majestic. So Cass rode with me and Liz rode with Ron downtown. I even took the long way and we still had beat them there. We had a few drinks, I ran into a couple people that I work with but it was a much more chill and relaxed atmosphere, plus we could hear eachother talk. The only weird thing that happened here was some random guy came up to Liz and me and started rambling. Basically he was super drunk and saying he was gay and I was hot cause I'm a guy and she wasn' because she is a girl. That was really akward, so after a couple minutes of him rambling I just put my arm around Liz and the dude left us alone. We left a little while after that.
Saturday I didn't do much, it was pretty low key. Sean came over to watch the UFC fight. Had a few drinks and thats it. Although Kellie told me about Grant's band playing on a local tv show and that was cool to see him. I really thought they sounded good. Thats a show I'll have to go see live sometime.
Sunday afternoon I met up with Cass and Liz once more for lunch before they left. I didn't know that Liz was a Trekkie, we had a good conversation about Star Trek on Friday night. I know. two nerds talking Star Trek, how lame right? It was just fun getting to know Liz a little better because we have never really sat down and just talked. She is really a cool girl with a twisted sense of humor like Cass.
The one thing I am looking forward in a couple weeks is Mrs. Stone's birthday. It will be like our 10 year anniversary. What do people get for making it 10 years? 10 shots of jager? No, no, that would just be bad for the both of us.